Encouraging girls to discover their strengths and know their true worth.

Our Work With Schools
We work with primary and secondary schools across Middlesbrough and Redcar & Cleveland. Our courses were highly commended in Ofsted Inspections in 2019 & 2022 and feedback from girls, parents and teachers about the impact of our work is excellent.
Self - Esteem Course: Supporting Transition
Years 6 & 7
Research shows that girls’ confidence is more likely to be affected by the move to secondary school than boys’. To address this we have developed a unique 8-week course to support girls in Years 6 and 7 to thrive during this period. Over 1200 girls have now completed the course which is based on our values and helps to build self-esteem, resilience and safety.
Our 8-week programme includes discussion and creative activities that encourage girls to participate, be themselves and recognise their unique strengths and abilities.
Every girl receives a free self-care goodie bag, a Rubies t-shirt and a personal journal and also has the chance to sign up to our mailing list for further opportunities and support.
In the last academic year (2023/24):
99% of girls said that working with Rubies had a positive impact on their lives​
80% of girls reported an increase in Self-Esteem
81% of girls reported in increase in Resilience
63% of girls said they felt Safer
Empowerment Course: Supporting with confidence, regulation & connection
Years 8 to 11
We understand that without the right support trauma and adverse life experiences can greatly affect young people’s self-worth and potential. Emotional regulation and relationships are much more difficult when they feel disconnected from others and this in turn can impact on school attendance and their overall education.
We have developed a flexible course that can run for between 8-30 weeks depending on the needs of the group. The course supports girls to express themselves, develop self-esteem and connect with each other within in a safe environment.
Based on the ‘Philosophy for Children’ model, our course enables girls to build connections and develop their identities whilst also growing in empathy for others and forming their own views and opinions.
Feedback from girls & schools about Rubies:

We may also be able to provide lessons, assemblies and lunchtime drop-ins to support girls in primary and secondary settings and in other provision.
As a small charity we can be very flexible and can often develop bespoke projects to respond to issues as they arise.

Please contact us for more information about ways we can support girls in your school.